AT LAST! The much awaited LARGE IMAGES of the 1/100 MG Strike Freedom MB ver bootleg by Dragon Momoko. Been planning on posting this some time ago, but I was having second thoughts (or was being lazy). Now that I started, might as well go on with it.
I’m putting this up so that you guys can have a look at what you’ll be in for if you buy this kit.Somebody said it’s a waste of time, but I like wasting my time and yours, so. Prepare to burn these images into your retinas because there’s a LOT of ’em.
NOTE: I didn’t buy this kit. Credits are at the bottom of the page.
The MB ver Strike Freedom without the wing unit.
Front View
The Strike Freedom MB ver with the wing unit and stand.
Other views.
The inner frame is made of gold color plastic much like what Bandai used in the new Hyaku Shiki and the RG Strike Freedom.
Upper body joints and articulation.
Skirt armor details, side rail cannons can be folded to the back.
Elbow and shoulder articulation:
The kit comes with six pairs of manipulators (just like the metal build figure).
Comparison of the Strike Freedom’s manipulators with the previously released Gundam Destiny MB ver
Leg details and articulation:
Wing unit details:
Weapons detail:
More money shot of the Strike Freedom MB ver with armaments and shield.
Wing unit compatibility:
It seems DM did that extra effort in making their stuff compatible with each other, the Strike Freedom comes with adapters for the Destiny wing unit and vice-versa. Does Daban has this nifty perk? I don’t think so…
Action base is a direct copy of the one that comes with the metal build figure, with slight modifications to the markings.
Wing unit effects parts and dragoons:
Alrighty then! This is what many of you guys are waiting for, so I hope you find this segment enlightening. Are you sure you still want to buy this kit? Anyway, if you guys can read Chinese you can see the full review of this kit from the credits link below.